Elusive Ultimate
How often
We seek the ultimate.
How often
We proclaim it found.
Yet -
Is life long enough
To sift centuries of wonders,
Comparing, discarding, selecting?
Does any have insight enough,
To speak another’s mind?
At twenty,
Dreaming ultimate dreams,
Daring to hope
Fragile promise durable.
At forty,
So often weighted by
Doubled experience,
Dreams crumble, tumbling
Into nightmare,
Leaving only ultimate loss -
Which, too, may pass.
Future thoughts
Forever beyond view,
Chasms greater and stranger
Hide others’ minds unguessed, unread.
The ultimate -
Ultimately elusive.
Thus preserving,
More to seek,
Heights to strive for;
Ultimate fountain
Of hope.
Labels: challenge, poetry, Velvet Verbosity
Ah yes. The buddhists say that we create our own suffering out of desire and aversion. We create a continual story line about what we want and what we don't want. You've captured that dance well here.
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